ja hitta min , hannas, max o dannas grupparbete som vi gjorde i 6:an, vi skulle göra en tidning som handla om sex o  kärlek o då fick max o daniel sköta dikterna o nu ska ja visa dom!!:)

LOVE is a name
FUCK is a game
skip the name
and play the GAME !

                                            if the ocean is whiskey, and i was a duck
                                            i would swim to the bottom and never come up
                                            But the ocean is not whiskey, and i'm not a duck
                                            so let's go to the city, and have us a fuck

i love you , i love you, i love you i love you like a tree whit money
I love you like

hahah helt sjuka je vet o dom e inte något vidare kärleks fulla XD<3

Postat av: maax

haha :)

2009-09-19 @ 23:13:59

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